Pushing Contemporary Culture to the Countryside

since 2009

Who We Are

We are an Art Focused Collective based in Fornovo Taro, a small town in Parma Area, North Italy.

We’ve started our activity in 2009 hosting Art Shows during the local Summer Fair… Since 2014 we took in charge an old crumbling location in the town center, this is where we’re actually hosting our shows and that’s where we want to grow.

Limitrofi Collective is made up by a growing number of about 20 People.

Our Mission

Our inspiration comes from every corner of the world that makes you “feel at home”.

We are Proud of being located outside big cities as we do think this is where Art and Culture should do their work, we’re all part of the “same network”.

We want to connect with people who Cares about Art, people who Do Art, Musicians and Music Lovers, Travellers and Wanderers.